What is a blog?

For some reason, unbeknown-st to me, I have started a blog. What is a blog anyway?

I realize it is a place to soothe my soul with typing about my cozy, somewhat interesting, mainly boring, sometimes beautiful, yet sarcastic life uninhibited, but, what is the real meaning? To me, I think, slug, snail, something slimy and gooey.

Not a pleasant start to a blog, more importantly, my blog.

But, no matter. Slimy, begone. Fresh, begin!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Good Housekeeping

Do you ever have days when you have done so much, and even more to do, and absolutely nothing is getting done? It is my last day off and for some reason, like always, every chore has been saved to the last minute.

A couple weeks ago I got the notion to call and interview housekeepers. Funny that I decided I would miss cleaning and straitening and called the whole thing off. How can I be so dumb? The LAST thing I want to do is be in this overgrown, horrific mess. I would rather be at work!

Talking about this conundrum has completely worn me out.

I do believe I'll start with a nap.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Sister

Let me just tell you, my sister is my biggest fan. When it comes to me, she is the most unbiased little thing.

Growing up, we did everything together. From the dreaded laundry folding to basking in the sun, we were inseparable. Though we are 4 years apart in age, she always played the part of the older sister. I mean this in the way that she was the amenable one. While I encouraged the appeal to slough on responsibility, she encouraged virtue.

To this day, she is still the same. In this, I find peace.

Last evening I visited her in her beautiful home. She is a most gracious hostess and made me feel completely at ease. The delicious stew she served was delectable and the movie she put on entertaining. Who knew she is also a big fan of Robin of the Hood as well?

I could go on all day, but might I just keep this blog to she is an absolute delight, a sweetheart, and a saint.

I love love my sissy poo!! Your the best Katy!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Are you like me and get a complete shut down of the mind and eyes that glaze over when someone wants to share with you the dream "they had last night?" Might I say BORING!! I would love to reply "no, you may not!" but this would be totally rude right?

With that said, I would like to share with you a dream I had last night. Actually it is not so much the dream about ghouls and castles and unexplainable happenings as it is the bizarre, uncanny, and might I add, peculiar feeling it leaves in the morning. It only lasts for awhile, and if your lucky, all day.

My question is what is it about dreams that cause such an unearthly yet so realistic feeling? Is it because mother nature thinks I need a jolt to my otherwise monotonous imagination? If that is so, it worked because now I feel I should create a movie about my dream! Possibly it is to inspire goals and great expectations. Or is it because the dream is real-life and I am actually dreaming now? If so, when oh when am I going to wake up?

In conclusion, I have no idea the meaning of dreams and no desire to write anymore about this. My mind has shut down and my eyes are glazing over!

Monday, September 27, 2010

"Monday Monday, So Good To Me"

Ahhh, breath a breath of fresh air. I made it through a busy weekend and now it is a new week! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the air is cool. I love today because it is my Thursday. Tomorrow is Friday!

I live for my weekends. I love working around my cozy cottage and making things clean and organized and fresh. I love working in my yard. Cutting the grass, raking the pine cones and needles, trimming the dead heads is exhilarating!

Now why am I talking about the weekend when today is a perfectly gorgeous Thursday? Because it feels like Monday! Wait, it is Monday!

Arg, off to the Co.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Lord's Day

Sunday for me growing up was a day to dress up in pretty dresses, fluff my curler enhanced mane, and pose for the camera with my 4 other siblings. Then off to church. That part becomes sort of a blank in my mind other than the beautiful hymns we sang and hearing the preacher bang on the pulpit every now and again. I usually couldn't wait the 2 long hours on the hard wooden pew to bound off with my friends to play and catch up. Of course, the smells of the food in the ovens for the coming pot-luck did not help!

Sundays for me now are a dreaded day. I hurridly dress in a pair of jeans, check the mirror to make sure my slicked back, pony-tailed mane isn't too horrid, and rush off to Costco. Please God don't let it rain today. Rainy days make an already packed out store even more packed!

It is a dreaded day because of the fact that A: I am guilt-ridden for not feeling guilt-ridden for working on the Lord's Day, and B: the store is filled with church folk who are absolutely horrible! You would think, after going to a place of peace and love, that that would be their mind-set. Unfortunately, it seems to bring out the worst in these people. Interesting!

Anyway, one day I will get back to the old-fashioned routine of my childhood and go to church. I pray it A: makes the guilt go away and B: allows me to be at peace and have lots of love in my heart! I will vow to never enter a retail store on the Lord's Day!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


 It is 3:40 a.m. and I am blogging. I should be sleeping. Should and can are two different verbs. Wait, what is a verb again?

Today will begin with my beautiful, amazingly talented, goat-breathed son waking me with his Saturday morning cartoons. He will then begin demanding that I make him his famous Eggo waffles. Mind you, I'm still in bed desperately trying to make up the loss of sleep from the blogging craze of my insanely early morning.

Off to Costco. Clock in at 8:00 a.m. It will be a day filled with the beautiful, amazingly talented, goat-breathed middle-class. They will come in and be pleasant at first. Then they will start demanding this and that and this and that AND this and that. Need I go on? Mind you, I'm still dealing with my insomnia-crazed self.

I just want to add I love my job.

I am so inspired to go to work today. It is going to take a miracle to make it happen!