What is a blog?

For some reason, unbeknown-st to me, I have started a blog. What is a blog anyway?

I realize it is a place to soothe my soul with typing about my cozy, somewhat interesting, mainly boring, sometimes beautiful, yet sarcastic life uninhibited, but, what is the real meaning? To me, I think, slug, snail, something slimy and gooey.

Not a pleasant start to a blog, more importantly, my blog.

But, no matter. Slimy, begone. Fresh, begin!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Sister

Let me just tell you, my sister is my biggest fan. When it comes to me, she is the most unbiased little thing.

Growing up, we did everything together. From the dreaded laundry folding to basking in the sun, we were inseparable. Though we are 4 years apart in age, she always played the part of the older sister. I mean this in the way that she was the amenable one. While I encouraged the appeal to slough on responsibility, she encouraged virtue.

To this day, she is still the same. In this, I find peace.

Last evening I visited her in her beautiful home. She is a most gracious hostess and made me feel completely at ease. The delicious stew she served was delectable and the movie she put on entertaining. Who knew she is also a big fan of Robin of the Hood as well?

I could go on all day, but might I just keep this blog to she is an absolute delight, a sweetheart, and a saint.

I love love my sissy poo!! Your the best Katy!

1 comment:

  1. Awww, love you too sister! btw, how did you get that pic? Its so cool!
