What is a blog?

For some reason, unbeknown-st to me, I have started a blog. What is a blog anyway?

I realize it is a place to soothe my soul with typing about my cozy, somewhat interesting, mainly boring, sometimes beautiful, yet sarcastic life uninhibited, but, what is the real meaning? To me, I think, slug, snail, something slimy and gooey.

Not a pleasant start to a blog, more importantly, my blog.

But, no matter. Slimy, begone. Fresh, begin!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Trip To NYC 2010

In August I got the fortunate opportunity to visit my brother once again. I haven't talked too much about this trip because like most things for me, it has taken awhile to process. It was a spur of the moment trip. I called Lewis up and then booked a ticket. What freedom to be able to do this! It was a most relaxing and enlightening trip so I want to share with you some of the interesting and special moments of it.

When I arrived at 181 Waverly Place in East Village, Lewis, as always, was waiting for me. He took me up to the 4th floor of his well located apartment and I was in a little piece of heaven. His tiny studio was absolutely adorable- my idea of a cottage in the city. His sense of taste in decor is very clean yet cozy. The two large windows overlooking the courtyard have window boxes with beautiful flowers billowing out of them. My bed for the week was his couch. Don't get me wrong, it was a lovely couch. It was more comfortable than my own bed!

That evening he took me to a local Mexican restaurant where we sat at the bar having cocktails by the open french doors. We had the most wonderful time catching up, and when it began to pour rain through the doors from the street, I had a surreal moment of nostalgia. Later we filled up on Asian food from the local bistro around the corner.

It was the middle of the week so while Lewis was busily entertaining clients and doing what he does, I was hitting the pavement. I walked and walked and walked. Correction, I was walking AND shopping. Broadway has that effect on me! Might I add the chocolates, ice cream, and other food fare I was indulging in added to the delight of it all!

Sometime during the middle of the week, (the days all ran together for me), we went to a Broadway show. The show, FELA, was most intriguing. A show produced by Jada Pinkett-Smith and JZ, it is a story of one man's journey in Nigeria to overcome his country that was terrorized by it's own government through dance and singing. What an invigorating time!

I believe it was a lazy Thursday that we took a bike ride through the park and over Brooklyn Bridge. Might I say whew, what a view! Not only was the view over the city spectacular, so it was down through the wooden slats of the bridge to the water. We, or I rather, huffed and puffed to get to the center of the bridge. Thank goodness for the vendors selling water there! The way down the other side into Brooklyn was a breeze. Once we were there, we turned right around and did it again!

I just want to inject here a bit about the food I ate. Might I say yum yum yummy! Bruchette with cheese and nuts and fruit, fresh and spritey salads, salty and amazing mussels, delectable vegetarian sandwiches. One day Lewis and I visited a famous cheese shop in East Village. Murray's was simply delightful. There was more stinky cheese there than you could probably find anywhere else in the city. That evening we had a phenomenal dinner of cheese, tomato hors d' ovures and shrimp. I do believe this is really why I visit New York! (Just kidding Lewis!).

If you are interested in a quick and delightful get-a-way, may I suggest visiting the city. This place has it all! Food, entertainment, shopping, food. What an unforgettable trip it was. Thank you Lewis!

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